Anadolu Isuzu Released its Second Sustainability Report in GRI Standards
Anadolu Isuzu embraces a sustainable growth approach to minimize its environmental impact and continues to improve its social, environmental and economic performance. Aiming to create added value for all its stakeholders and the community in line with its long-term business and sustainability strategies, Anadolu Isuzu released its second Sustainability Report that provides detailed information about the company’s efforts in these aspects.
Tuğrul Arıkan pointed to Anadolu Isuzu’s significant achievements in economic, social, corporate governance and environment aspects in 2019, and said, “Sustainable development and growth is a key part of our strategy. At Anadolu Isuzu, we focus on customer expectations and demand to elevate customer experience to new levels and make a difference. Our digitalization efforts include extensive structuring and investments for the future. We regard digital transformation and shift to smart products and electric vehicles as our main strategic direction. Our customer-experience focused digitalization efforts encourage us for more investments.”
“Enhancing our presence in the industry is a key part of our sustainability approach”
Tuğrul Arıkan added that the company keeps its focus on delivering benefits for people, “Driven by our values and corporate culture, we embrace serving ‘people first’ regardless of their language, religion, race and gender. We value the importance of offering equal opportunity and creating diversity. With a recruitment policy we laid out for this purpose, we increased the number of female employees by 2.5 percent in the last five years. As part of our environmental responsibility, we integrated environment-friendly technologies into our production processes. We regard the environmental impact of our product lifecycle as the basis of our environmental policy, and we implement projects to reduce our environmental footprint by continually measuring it across all production stages.”
Tuğrul Arıkan emphasized that Anadolu Isuzu managed the pandemic and its impact since the outset in March 2020 by adopting the right approach and succeeded to protect its financial health, “In the new normal that the pandemic brought to our lives, we have become stronger. During this period, we focused on connecting more with our customers and improving customer satisfaction. We are confident that the investments we continue to make in this field will significantly improve our presence in international markets in the times to come. Building on our presence in commercial vehicle production with our innovative approach is an anchor and a key goal of our sustainability approach and corporate strategy.”
The goal is to reduce the environmental impact of the production-trade-service cycle
Anadolu Isuzu incorporates sustainability into all areas of the business, including economic, environmental and social aspects, and designs numerous projects and initiatives that are implemented in collaboration with its stakeholders. In addition to bringing mobility and logistics solutions to millions of people across the world with its innovative, high quality and safe vehicles, Anadolu Isuzu also contributes to the sustainable development of society in many ways. Keeping its focus on using the right resources efficiently, Anadolu Isuzu aims to reduce the environmental impact of the production-trade-service cycle.
A responsible approach to climate change
Anadolu Isuzu regards the environmental impact of the product lifecycle as the basis of its environmental policy and integrates environment-friendly technologies into the production processes while implementing projects to continually measure and reduce its environmental footprint across all production stages. Aiming to reduce emissions from operations, Anadolu Isuzu works toward minimizing water pollution and environmental impact of hazardous and non-hazardous waste at the source while encouraging recycling. Anadolu Isuzu also follows the applicable environmental regulations in Turkey and Europe closely, and the company’s plant has in place an Environmental Management System designed according to the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard. Compliance of the company’s activities with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard is monitored and verified through regular independent audits. As part of the efforts to tackle climate change, energy consumption and emission quantities are constantly monitored with the aim of reducing consumption and greenhouse gas emissions through planned energy efficiency projects.
Aftersales service network continues to expand and improve
Anadolu Isuzu is focused on meeting the aftersales service needs and expectations of customers in all segments quickly and fully with a service network across Turkey. Knowing that service actually starts after a sale is concluded, Anadolu Isuzu continued to enhance its aftersales service network in 2019. According to the results of customer satisfaction surveys, Anadolu Isuzu improved its customer satisfaction ratings in 2019. Committed to delivering personalized and exclusive service to all customers, Anadolu Isuzu conducted 17,000 surveys in 2019 to understand and meet customer expectations and diligently monitored satisfaction levels by listening to what the customers say. Anadolu Isuzu has built a loyal customer base by monitoring customers across all channels with its strong CRM system, taking firm and confident steps to reach new customers in the market.