Social Responsibility

One of Turkey’s leading vehicle manufacturers, Isuzu touches all walks of life and every node of commerce with its vehicles that assume myriad missions in everyday living and trade.In acknowledgement of this fact, Isuzu views social responsibility activities as a significant complement to its corporate identity.
Isuzu brings social responsibility projects to life and lends its firm support to community development activities through various partnerships for the purpose of raising the prosperity level of individuals and creating sustainable and permanent value for society.
The driving force behind the social responsibility activities conducted with a systematic and planned approach at Isuzu is volunteerism. Isuzu is a member and an active participant in the operations of the Association of Private Sector Volunteers (ÖSGD) which aims to expand corporate volunteerism in the private sector and conduct it in a sustainable and systematic manner.
Isuzustaff have been volunteers at projects concerning education, environment and disability.
Isuzu’s social responsibility activities have been rolling with a steadily growing number of participants each year since 2014. Entitled Social Awareness Activities, they focus primarily on education, environment and disability. Isuzu relies on the voluntary participation of its staff for its contribution to the efforts in these fields. To this end, contests were organized to improve our surroundings and the environment on Environment Day and to reinforce the perspective of “zero accident target” and raise safety awareness during the Work Safety Week. People were invited to drop off their unused items of clothing, unread books and unplayed-with toys in the colored good deed boxes on the ground floor of our headquarters building to be delivered to their new owners. Our employees collect good deeds in these boxes knowing that creating and sharing feel great in a consumptive world. The clothes and toys collected in the good deed boxes so far have been shipped out to the Anadolu Foundation.Highlights from the social awareness projects bearing Isuzu’s signature
- Isuzu employees built outdoor shelters from discarded boards to protect stray animals from hard winter conditions.
- The 18th Blood and Stem Cell Donation event was organized in cooperation with the Turkish Red Crescent Blood Center.
- The biomimicry discipline which sets innovation in motion by taking natural systems as a model was experienced together with children at the biomimicry workshop staged in collaboration with the Foundation for the Protection and Promotion of the Environment and Cultural Heritage (ÇEKÜL) and the Association of Private Sector Volunteers (ÖSGD) during the Employee Volunteerism Weekto ensure that the young generations find inspiration in nature and view life from a brand new perspective.
- Our employees’ children designed their own robots, video games and 3D products.
- The “Blaze a Trail for Nature” event served as a first step to collectively create a green space.
- An event to generate energy by pedaling was staged with the participation of the staff to underscore environmental awareness. Intended to demonstrate the difficulty of producing energy, the event drew attention in an unusual way to the importance of savings in energy consumption which is among Isuzu’s environmental goals.
A relief semitrailer was sent to Izmir after the Izmir earthquake to help feed the earthquake victims.
Isuzu keeps up its support to the Traveling Library project brought to life by the İnci Foundation in 2015. Repurposed as a library, the vehicle provided by Isuzu brings books to primary school age students in the less advantaged areas around Izmir.
During the pandemic, Isuzu focused on sharing and generating value across a broad spectrum from health workers to vehicle end-users in its relations with the community it’s a part of. It manufactured intubation and biological sample taking cabins and delivered them to hospitals in Turkey’s numerous provinces and to the Provincial Health Directorates in order to protect health workers and help slow down the spread of the virus in hospital environments as Covid-19 swept across the country. In a gesture of thank you to the health workers braving life-threatening conditions at work, Isuzu gave gift packages consisting of a coffee machine, coffee and chocolate to their families. It also sent hygiene kits to 221 of its retired employees to reassure them that Isuzu always sees them as members of its own family.