Anadolu Isuzu released its third Sustainability Report
Anadolu Isuzu published its third Sustainability Report, which provides an overview of the company’s sustainability performance, including the activities carried out to create added value for all its stakeholders and the community. The report, prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines, discloses Anadolu Isuzu's performance indicators and announcements. In addition to Anadolu Isuzu's 2020 performance, the report also contains detailed information about how the company embraces and manages sustainability.
General Manager Tuğrul Arıkan noted that Anadolu Isuzu’s sustainability performance is in line with the 2020 targets, “We achieved all of our sustainability targets despite the challenges faced in 2020. As we contribute further to the Turkish economy in many aspects, we strive to fulfil our environmental and social responsibilities and move forward with determination in line with the right sustainability strategies.”
“We focused on community activities during the pandemic”
Tuğrul Arıkan added that Anadolu Isuzu’s primary focus is shaped around the concept of becoming “a non-infectious factory” during the pandemic, noting that the company manages people’s health and occupational health concurrently with sustainability. “During the pandemic, we focused on community activities. We addressed many topics, from using common areas to rescheduling shifts to reduce employee intensity and contact and planned remote work. As a result, we were the last to halt production and the first to resume work among our industry peers.”
“We revised our priorities and strategy to align with technological transformation”
Tuğrul Arıkan noted that Anadolu Isuzu regards maintaining a healthy financial structure as an assurance of corporate sustainability while ensuring that the company continues to deliver commercial vehicles to consumers in the domestic and international markets. “Even though the commercial vehicle market shrank in 2020, we managed our financial situation well. A robust financial structure will continue to drive the steps we will take in environmental and social aspects. Developing alternative-fueled vehicles will be the key to our success. This is critical in terms of our commitment to our planet and improving our competitiveness. At Anadolu Isuzu, we aim to launch alternative-fueled vehicle projects and commercialize such vehicles in the medium term.”
Tuğrul Arıkan pointed out that the disruptions and the impact of the climate crisis on the corporate world hold clues into the future, “In tackling climate change, alternative-fueled and connected vehicles will define the roadmap and competitive conditions for the automotive industry. Revolutionary technological change will change the landscape of our industry fundamentally. At Anadolu Isuzu, we have revised our priorities and strategy to align with this transformation.”
Female employment rate increase among all employees reached 44% in the last five years
Tuğrul Arıkan explained that interpreting big data accurately and leveraging the opportunities that the Internet of Things offers will be critical for implementing strategies. Arıkan added that a human resource that embraces digitalization well is essential to Anadolu Isuzu. “We stand apart with our highly skilled and qualified human resource and aim to upskill our people. I am pleased to note that the female employment rate increase among all employees reached 44% in the last five years. And we intend to increase this rate further. Increasing the share of localization in sourcing is also one of our strategic targets. Managing the distributor, dealer, and service network with a digital approach will bring momentum to our stakeholder relations. Our digitalization projects are critical in terms of increasing the shareable added value we create across our value chain. Enhancing sales and after-sales services and digitalizing these processes is another topic on our agenda and will contribute to customer satisfaction. We continue to invest in customer satisfaction as a key indicator of our sustainable performance. We plan to increase our positive contributions to economic, environmental, and social sustainability.”
“We are committed to leaving a livable world to future generations”
Anadolu Isuzu contributes directly to 13 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Accordingly, the company is engaged in multiple projects in several areas, including decent work, business and economic growth, industry, innovation, infrastructure, gender equality, quality education, and climate action. Tuğrul Arıkan pointed to Anadolu Isuzu’s environmental sensibilities and how the company draws inspiration from nature to make life easier, “We are committed to using the planet’s resources efficiently and leaving a livable world to future generations.” At Anadolu Isuzu, the environmental impact created across the product lifecycle forms the basis of the company’s environmental policy. Therefore, Anadolu Isuzu regularly measures its environmental footprint at each stage of its production and develops projects to reduce it. Anadolu Isuzu follows the latest environmental regulations in Turkey and Europe and operates its plant with an Environmental Management System in compliance with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard.